When we are hooked we wait for a period of no stress before stopping. With woman, the aim is to be the sophisticated modern young lady – looking absolutely ridiculous. The boys are trying to look tough. It is our body telling us “you are feeeding me poisin, stop doing it”. You dare not inhale, and if you have too many you start to feel dizzy and then sick. Our first cigarette tastes awful, our young minds are reassured we will never become hooked, and we think that because we are not enjoying them and we can stop whenever we want to. Instead of thinking you need to climb Mount Everest and spend the next few weeks envying other smokers, you can start right away with a feeling of elation, as if you have been cured by a terrible disease. The object of The Easy Way to Stop Smoking is to get you into the right frame of mind.

Fear that our personality or character will change but most of all, the fear that once a smoker, always a smoker. If there were a magic button that smokers could press to wake up the following morning as if they never lit that first cigarette, the only smokers there would be are the youngsters in the experimental phase. The only thing that prevents us from quitting is fear! Fear that we won’t be able to concentrate, handle stress or be as confident without our little crutch. You won’t just find it easy to quit, but you will actually enjoy the process. Most importantly, you don’t have to spend the rest of your life having to resist he occasional temptation to light a cigarette. There will be no initial period of feeling deprived or miserable, you will enjoy social occasions more, you feel more confident and better equipped to handle stress and better able to concentrate. Without suffering depression or withdrawal symptoms and without gaining weight. Without using willpower, aids, substitutes or gimmicks. The Easy Way to Stop Smoking promises for you to quit easily, immediately and permanently. No wonder they feel so miserable. They spend the rest of their lives desperately moping for something that they desperately hope they will never have. ’ That ’ s what smokers who use the Willpower Method do.

“ Wouldn ’ t that be an incredibly stupid thing to do? To say ‘ I never want to smoke again ’ , then spend the rest of your life saying ‘ I ’ d love a cigarette. Or, grab a copy for yourself or someone you love here: He eliminates any excuses a smoker will give for continuing to smoke, and then highlights the benefits of ‘escaping’ from the slavery of the cigarette.Īdam Jones’s favorite and most impactful book. Instead, Allen Carr speaks from the smoker’s side, as someone who smoked for 33 years and found it hard to quit.

The other problem is it talks about ‘giving up’ smoking and you’re always feeling like you’re sacrificing something. But the problem is – that doesn’t work! Smokers already know the health risks, but that didn’t make them stop. Most books and programs about quitting smoking focus on all of the negatives of continuing to smoke: the extreme health risks, the obscene financial cost, and so on. The Easy Way to Stop Smoking – by Allen Carr